Before AJ left for Costa Rica, we went out to get her some clothes that would be more appropriate for the weather down there. I saw this shirt and couldn't help but buy it. I mean, it's got a PEEPS dove on it! "Give PEEPS a chance." Gotta love it. It didn't hurt that it was only $10. SWEET lovin' PEEPS.
After riding home today, I sat outside with the cats and planted more seeds. Hopefully by then time AJ comes back, we won't have to buy any spices! We'll see... Anyways, the cat-grass has grown long enough that I let them have at it. They totally loved it!
Maddi eats sideways... LOL
Then Michael Thomas found another lizard. They live in the vines on the fence around the yard. Last time he pulled off the tail and grabbed the body. He played with it for a while, but after I saw he was just mangling the poor thing, I took it away. This time he only got the tail. And Maddi got involved. See the tail in front of Mike?